Saturday, October 29, 2011

How it all started

I took Savanna to see Dr. Granger on January 20, 2011 because I thought she had a UTI.  She went pee 4 times in 30 minutes and only a little came out each time.  I thought probably not a big deal but it was worth checking out just to make sure.  Plus my momma instinct (aka, the Lord) kicked in and I knew we needed to make an appt.

Her urine showed red blood cells, 3+ and protein, 3+ (FYI, that is A LOT and not normal).  If it were a UTI she would have had white blood cells.

He scheduled a renal sonogram to check for kidney function and ordered a series of blood work.
During this appt Dr. Granger told me that she does have a kidney disease and he thought is was GN, he told me about the 3 stages of this disease.  He was thinking it was going to be one that is caused by infection, mainly strep throat.  So one of the tests was to check to see if she had strep that was untreated.
We did blood work on the 20th and received a phone call on the 23rd saying that she had not had strep throat.  GULP!  Not good news, we were hoping that she did have untreated strep so now we are looking at a disease that is more serious!  It is possible that we are still looking at GN (inflammation of the kidneys) but he referred us to a Pediatric Nerpheroligst, a doctor that specializes in kidney disease.

We are VERY blessed to have a pediatrician who knew enough to know what he was dealing with and what steps to take.  Since this has happened I have read other families stories and the disease went undiagnosed for a while because the doctor did not know what he was up against.
To know the rest of the story see the timeline above.

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